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The image of Africa refers to the way people from the outside world see Africa in terms of the things that happens on the continet. Among these are,tribalism, poverty, diseases, discrimination, especially against women and Africa in need of foreign aid.Some of the things written about the continent are sometimes misrepresented in literature and the problems created are worsened as a result of the policies these foreign donors force on the leaders of the continent. The image of africa in need of foreign aid has been misrepresented in literature that, these western countries have deemed it as their moral duty to provide Africa's needs in terms of funds, projects, and food aid. The food aid is usually in the form of food stuffs to feed countries where civil war is rampant, which includes, famine and drought.Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda are a examples of the many countries. In providing these, many strings are attached and policies which are not beneficial to the coutries are forced on the leaders.

The interest of the donor countries are hidden behind the donation and thus, the African continent's developement is inhibited. In the DAILY GRAPHIC, wednesday, August 11,2004 it was reported that,Ghana and Japan signed a road agreement where the Katahira and Engineers International, a Japanese road consulting firm was to be in charge of the 57km Ankamu-Yamoransa section of the road, under a USD34million Japan grant. Now, there are so many competent Ghanaian engineers being produced in and outside Ghana. Why don't the so called donors allow us to construct the road without imposing their engineers on us. The Japanese government last year reached an agreement with the government of Ghana to finance the Kasoa-Yamoransa road project with a total amount of USD59 million, and this was after Japan had rescinded her decision to withdraw the facility following the government's decision to join HIPC. Had the government not joined the HIPC,the Japanese government wouldn't have undertaken the project.About two years ago Ghana signed an agreement with Norway telecom to manage Ghana Telecom. It's been reported that these people from Norway receive so much money for their service, whilst the people of Ghana continue to live in poverty. Inspite of the high charges, customers of Ghana Telecom have complained about the quality of sevice. Why do we suffer whilst these people continue to take our money away.

At the IMF and WORLD BANK, Africa has a limited say during decision making. Europe has 10 seats on these 2 bodies and Africa has only 2 seats , thus during decision making, policies are forced on the continent to the benefit of these wester countries. Attempts to get more seats for Africa has proved futile. The negative perceptions about Africa have compounded her problems and stifled her developement. The daily beaming and broadcasting of misery, degradation, poverty, wars, and diseases on TV screens and literature by western media has made it difficult for this continent to develop. Hence, donor countries and other bodies need to put away their "so called" help but rather offer advice instead of dictating to the continent. We Africans also need to change our attitudes and live in harmony with each other to prevent tribal wars and stop the discrimination against women, as they really inhibit the developement of the continent. Exhibition of good attitudes towards work is the only way to develop the continent. 


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